Termékek tarring utak (34)

Bitumer TIXO - Oldószer alapú, tixotróp aszfalt-gumi keverék tömítéshez.

Bitumer TIXO - Oldószer alapú, tixotróp aszfalt-gumi keverék tömítéshez.

Bitumer TIXO is one-component, plastic, ready-to-use bituminous mass highly modified with synthetic rubber. Product is a modified bitumen reinforced with additives. High solid content gives possibility of making a good lasting bond which secures and seals the connection of asphalt materials. Solvent content gives a possibility to apply material without heating by cold applied method with spatula or mechanic way. •sealing joints in asphalt roads •sealing of concrete-metal joints •sealing penetrations through building structures •for repairing damage and filling defects in roofing (kinks, cracks, crevices, blisters, leaks), •local waterproofing sealing, flexible seamless waterproofing coatings underground, •for expansion joints between working elements of concrete and steel structures packaging:30 kg steel container
MCA 120-140 Tph Folyamatos Aszfaltgyár - 120-140 Tph Folyamatos Aszfaltgyár

MCA 120-140 Tph Folyamatos Aszfaltgyár - 120-140 Tph Folyamatos Aszfaltgyár

The MCA 120-140 tph Continuous Type Asphalt Plant has truly made a mark as world class in asphalt production technology, keeping in view the exacting requirements of medium to large projects. This superior plant has the capability to deliver quality asphalt mixes consistently in conformation with the stringent quality specifications stipulated for road construction jobs. This producing capacity, falling in the 120 to 140 tons per hour bracket, applies in various implementations, thus making it trustworthy and efficient for any asphalt production needs. The MCA 120-140 tph plant is the perfect blend of admirable performance and ease of use in one package. In its user-friendly design, advanced features, and rugged construction make it a trouble-free product to handle the most difficult conditions. This is more than just capacity—delivering better results with each batch so that all your road construction projects will be carried out with the best-in-class quality and efficiency. 120 tons:140 tons


The ready-made cold asphaltfix is ​​a mixture of a special composition of aggregates and the asphalt binder ergonflux. It is prepared and packaged in the facilities of our company and is available in the market, in bulk, in packages of 25 kg in a container or bag and in big bags of 1,000-1500 kg. Asphaltfix is ​​a ready-to-use product, applied cold without requiring any preparation of the damaged surface. It does not need to be mixed or mixed with another adhesive, it is safe to use, it has a very fast application without special equipment and its performance in circulation is immediate. It is not affected by extreme temperatures, snow, frost, rain, heat, stagnant water and remains elastic for a long time after use, without causing any traffic problems. It does not show cracks due to temperature contractions – expansions and does not detach from car tires or pedestrians. The product is ideal for repairing potholes and small surfaces on roads, airports, parking lots, etc.
O-Supp Aszfalt Út Groutoló Gép

O-Supp Aszfalt Út Groutoló Gép

O-Supp Asphalt Road Grouting Machine MATERIAL DESCRIPTION It is professionally designed and produced to melt the crack filler that needs to be poured hot and to apply it at walking speed. The 30 liter crack filler with melter and applicator is a safe and fast way of crack filling. You no longer need to forcibly melt the sealant and transfer the melted crack sealant to a pouring vessel. Simply light the propane burner, remove the RANU-C der pad, toss it in your machine and seal the cracks in no time. Seal cracks at walking speed. Heat and go. The BRAVE 101 allows you to agitate the crack filler while pushing the machine. Comes standard with on-the-go paddle mixer. Thanks to the mixer, you provide stable heating and rapid melting, and you also prevent the drain valve from clogging. BRAVE 101 Parking areas, car parks can also be used. It provides fast and reliable filling and insulation on asphalt and concrete surfaces.


Parkbügel: der Klassiker unter den Parkplatzsicherungen. Parkplatzsicherung mit Parkbügeln. Ein Parkbügel in bewährter Qualität, robuster Vierkantpfosten 70 x 70 mm, Gesamthöhe 570 mm, Sperrbreite 780 mm, feuerverzinkt mit reflektierenden Rotstreifen, auf Wunsch zusätzlich weiß lackiert, mit robustem verschließendem Zylinderschloss, zum Aufdübeln mit Bodenplatte oder zum Einbetonieren mit Bodenhülse, optional mit Schließanlagenvorbereitung für bauseitigen Profilhalbzylinder.
Közlekedési jelzőtábla

Közlekedési jelzőtábla

Die verschiedenen Bedeutungen, Ausführungen und Maße von Verkehrszeichen sind durch gesetzliche Regelungen und Normen bestimmt.


Au fil des années, la société ASPHO a développé avec l’appui de ses clients une gamme complète de produits de maintenance et d’entretien pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques de ce marché. Tous les enrobés sont des produits prêts à poser (à l’exception de Elasto’SCEL), faciles à utiliser et de longue conservation.


Unsere Schilder heißen Ihre Besucher willkommen. Sie repräsentieren Sie aufs Feinste und geben dabei immer auch Ihre Visitenkarte ab. Sie repräsentieren Sie aufs Feinste und geben dabei immer auch Ihre Visitenkarte ab. Materialien suchen wir danach aus, ob sie sowohl elegant und gut aussehen und auch den funktionalen Anforderungen in Form von Robustheit, Wetterbeständigkeit, UV-Beständigkeit und Schildhaftigkeit genügen. Unter Schildern verstehen wir Haus- und Firmenschilder an Wänden oder freistehend. Schilder sind auch Leitsysteme in Tiefgaragen, Krankenhäusern, Banken. Türschilder geben Informationen darüber, wer im Zimmer sitzt, ob vielleicht gerade eine Besprechung läuft etc. Schilder sind auch ziemlich einfache Informationsträger für den Außenbereich, bei denen es mehr um Funktionalität als um Eleganz geht. Hier sind es Baustellenschilder oder Hinweisschilder zum Winterdienst oder zu Gefahren oder Zutrittsverboten.


Útjelző kúpok

Útjelző kúpok

Road marking cones
GlasstexPatch - GlasstexPatch 880

GlasstexPatch - GlasstexPatch 880

Tensar® GlasstexPatch wird als Asphaltbewehrung zur Instandsetzung und Erhaltung von Asphaltbelägen sowie zur Sanierung von Einzelrissen eingesetzt und ist insbesondere für die kleinflächige Anwendung optimal geeignet. Der Glasfaserverbundstoff besteht aus einer Polymerbitumenbahn und hochzugfesten Glasfaserfilamenten. Unterseitig ist GlasstexPatch mit einer Folie kaschiert, oberseitig mit Quarzsand abgestreut. Durch GlasstexPatch wird die bewehrende Wirkung hochmoduler Glasfasern mit der abdichtenden und spannungsabbauenden Funktion der Polymerbitumenbahn kombiniert. GlasstexPatch 880 ist unterseitig mit einer selbstklebenden Schicht versehen. Diese ermöglicht es, das Produkt auf ebenen Unterlagen selbstklebend zu verlegen.
Bitumen DIPLAX - Ásvány-aszfalt keverék részleges javításokhoz.

Bitumen DIPLAX - Ásvány-aszfalt keverék részleges javításokhoz.

Bitumer Diplax is a special type of mineral and bituminous mixture used in the cold form. It can be used in all weather conditions at temperatures from -20 °C to +60 °C. It is prepared for immediate use directly from the package.It does not require the use of any specialized equipment. Damage repairs are waste-free and excess mix can be collected back into the container and used for another repair. Bitumer DIPLAX is used for: •express and permanent repair of damage to roads with asphalt and concrete surfaces. •for filling cavities after installation work: gas, plumbing, electrical, etc. •allows to eliminate damage of any shape, depth and size. Working temperature range:-20°C to +60°C Packaging:25 kg bags
Bitumer Flexigum N2 - Forró alkalmazású bitumen tömítőanyag.

Bitumer Flexigum N2 - Forró alkalmazású bitumen tömítőanyag.

Bitumer Flexigum N2 is a bitumen hot applied road sealant is produced from asphalt modified with SBS (Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene) polymers. The material retains high elasticity even at low temperatures down to -10 °C. The high quality of the base bitumen ensures resistance to UV radiation and a lower degree of filling degradation over time. USAGE •for use in structural and technological fillings: -expansion joints of asphalt concrete, -cement concrete, SMA mixes (Stone Mastic Asphalt), -in squares, streets, and car parks. •the compound is perfect for sealing joints between asphalt or concrete surfaces and steel elements (manholes), •works well as filling and sealing of damaged seams in asphalt pavements. Application temperature:150°C - 170°C Packaging:14 kg cardboard boxes
Bitumen Fmexigum N2 - Forróan alkalmazott bitumen tömítőanyag

Bitumen Fmexigum N2 - Forróan alkalmazott bitumen tömítőanyag

Bitumer Flexigum N2 ist ein Bitumen-Heißversiegelungsmittel für Straßen, das aus mit SBS-Polymeren (Styrol-Butadien-Styrol) modifiziertem Asphalt hergestellt wird. Auch bei niedrigen Temperaturen bis -10 °C behält das Material seine hohe Elastizität. Die hohe Qualität des Basisbitumens sorgt für Beständigkeit gegen UV-Strahlung und einen geringeren Grad der Verdichtungsdegradation im Laufe der Zeit. VERWENDUNG •zur Verwendung in strukturellen und technologischen Füllungen: -Dehnungsfugen aus Asphaltbeton, -Zementbeton, SMA-Mischungen (Steinmastixasphalt), -auf Plätzen, Straßen und Parkplätzen. •Die Masse eignet sich hervorragend zum Abdichten von Fugen zwischen Asphalt- oder Betonoberflächen und Stahlelementen (Schächten). •Funktioniert gut zum Füllen und Abdichten von beschädigten Nähten in Asphaltbelägen.
Bitumen DIPLAX - Ásványi-Aszfalt Keverék Részleges Javításokhoz

Bitumen DIPLAX - Ásványi-Aszfalt Keverék Részleges Javításokhoz

Bitumer Diplax ist eine spezielle Art von mineralischer und bituminöser Mischung, die in kalter Form verwendet wird. Es ist bei jedem Wetter bei Temperaturen von -20 °C bis +60 °C einsetzbar. Es ist direkt aus der Verpackung für den sofortigen Gebrauch vorbereitet. Es ist keine spezielle Ausrüstung erforderlich. Schadensreparaturen sind abfallfrei und überschüssige Mischung kann im Behälter gesammelt und für eine weitere Reparatur verwendet werden. Bitumer DIPLAX wird verwendet für: •Express- und dauerhafte Reparatur von Schäden an Straßen mit Asphalt- und Betonoberflächen. •zum Füllen von Hohlräumen nach Installationsarbeiten: Gas, Sanitär, Elektro usw. •ermöglicht die Beseitigung von Schäden jeglicher Form, Tiefe und Größe.
Bitumen BIG BAG - nagy zsák bitumen 50/70 és 60/90

Bitumen BIG BAG - nagy zsák bitumen 50/70 és 60/90

Les big bags, également connus sous le nom de conteneurs intermédiaires flexibles en vrac (FIBC), offrent une alternative pratique pour le transport et le stockage du bitume. Ces grands sacs durables, généralement fabriqués en polypropylène tissé, constituent un moyen sûr et pratique de manipuler le bitume tout au long de son parcours, de la production au chantier de construction. grade de bitume:50/70 grade de bitume:60/90
Bitumen Flexigum N1 - Forróan alkalmazott bitumen tömítőanyag (MAGASABB ELASTICITÁS)

Bitumen Flexigum N1 - Forróan alkalmazott bitumen tömítőanyag (MAGASABB ELASTICITÁS)

Bitumer Flexigum N1 is a bitumen hot applied road sealant is produced from asphalt modified with SBS (Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene) polymers. The material retains high elasticity even at low temperatures down to -10 °C. The high quality of the base bitumen ensures resistance to UV radiation and a lower degree of filling degradation over time. USAGE: •for use in structural and technological fillings: -expansion joints of asphalt concrete, -cement concrete, SMA mixes (Stone Mastic Asphalt), -in squares, streets, and car parks. •the compound is perfect for sealing joints between asphalt or concrete surfaces and steel elements (manholes), •works well as filling and sealing of damaged seams in asphalt pavements. Application temperature:150°C - 170°C Packaging:14 kg cardboard boxes
Bitumen Flexigum N1

Bitumen Flexigum N1

Bitumer Flexigum N1 ist ein Bitumen-Heißversiegelungsmittel für Straßen, das aus mit SBS-Polymeren (Styrol-Butadien-Styrol) modifiziertem Asphalt hergestellt wird. Auch bei niedrigen Temperaturen bis -10 °C behält das Material seine hohe Elastizität. Die hohe Qualität des Basisbitumens sorgt für Beständigkeit gegen UV-Strahlung und einen geringeren Grad der Verdichtungsdegradation im Laufe der Zeit. VERWENDUNG: •zur Verwendung in strukturellen und technologischen Füllungen: -Dehnungsfugen aus Asphaltbeton, -Zementbeton, SMA-Mischungen (Steinmastixasphalt), -auf Plätzen, Straßen und Parkplätzen. •Die Masse eignet sich hervorragend zum Abdichten von Fugen zwischen Asphalt- oder Betonoberflächen und Stahlelementen (Schächten). •Funktioniert gut zum Füllen und Abdichten von beschädigten Nähten in Asphaltbelägen.
MBA 120-140 Tph Mobil Aszfaltkeverő - 120-140 Tph Mobil Aszfaltkeverő

MBA 120-140 Tph Mobil Aszfaltkeverő - 120-140 Tph Mobil Aszfaltkeverő

User Experience The Polygonmachs 120-140 TPH mobile asphalt plant is designed to provide an exceptional user experience. Its primary features are quick deployment and easy operation for a seamless project start. Because of its exceptional mobility site transitions can be ensured swiftly and seamlessly. The plants user-friendly control system makes it easy for operators to monitor and alter the asphalt production process. Due to the ability to optimize mix formulations and parameters to meet specific project requirements this ensures efficient production of asphalt under a range of conditions. Because of its flexibility the plant can also adjust to a range of conditions. This plant can be used for jobs that need it to be moved around a lot or set up fast in isolated locations. Its streamlined design and operational efficiency ensure that production can start almost instantly upon arrival at any site making it a flexible and reliable option for contractors. 120 tons:140 tons
MCA 60-80 Tph Folyamatos Aszfaltgyár - 60-80 Tph Folyamatos Aszfaltgyár

MCA 60-80 Tph Folyamatos Aszfaltgyár - 60-80 Tph Folyamatos Aszfaltgyár

The Polygonmach MCA 60-80 Tph Continuous Type Asphalt Plant is designed for medium-sized projects requiring the production of high-quality asphalt. It distinguishes itself with an outstanding capacity-efficiency ratio blending in perfectly with both urban and rural road construction projects. Because of its emphasis on energy efficiency minimal environmental impact and operational flexibility this plant is a great option for projects involving tight space restrictions and environmental regulations. Its modular design makes transportation and installation easier greatly cutting down on the amount of time needed for project setup. This plant’s modular structure which guarantees fast assembly and disassembly and allows for easy mobility between sites was designed to meet the varied demands of different construction projects. Features to reduce dust emissions and energy consumption are included because environmental sustainability and operational efficiency are prioritized. 60 tons:80 tons
2000 Tonnás Horizontális Bitumen Tartály

2000 Tonnás Horizontális Bitumen Tartály

A 2000-ton horizontal bitumen tank is a heavy specialization storage unit designed to hold and manage huge quantities of bitumen, one of the heavy, extraordinarily sticky products derived from the processing of crude oil. The tanks lie horizontally, such that most operations involving bitumen storage, heating, and transfer are handled effectively. In particular, such tanks are made of material strong enough to hold such a large volume of bitumen safely and are designed to be stable under a variety of operating conditions. The 2000 tons horizontal bitumen tank has a principal function, which is to provide a dependable solution in bitumen volumes storage. In its design, it guarantees that bitumen content remains usable while, for direct transportation or immediate use throughout most of the industrial processes. This is required in the building of roads, making of asphalt, and waterproofing projects so as to ensure that there is always an inflow of bitumen in these large projects.
PBA 240-320 Tph Állandó Aszfaltgyár - 240-320 Tph Állandó Aszfaltgyár

PBA 240-320 Tph Állandó Aszfaltgyár - 240-320 Tph Állandó Aszfaltgyár

You can embark on an efficient asphalt production journey into the future. Designed to transform the asphalt production process Polygonmachs PBA 240-320 TPH Stationary Asphalt Plant offers unparalleled quality and efficiency for major construction projects. High-volume asphalt projects benefit greatly from this state-of-the-art equipment because it guarantees optimal performance. We will examine the features parts assembly procedure and special benefits that distinguish the PBA 240-320 TPH Stationary Asphalt Plant from its rivals in this article. What is the PBA Stationary Asphalt Plant with 240-320 TPH Capability? This plant which can produce between 240 and 320 tons per hour ensures steady effective operation—a necessary quality for keeping up the pace of big projects. This facility is designed to withstand the rigorous specifications of building projects like building highways airports or industrial complexes. 240 tons:320 tons
Folyamatos típusú mobil aszfaltkeverő üzemek dobkeverék

Folyamatos típusú mobil aszfaltkeverő üzemek dobkeverék

With an emphasis on quick deployment and simple operation for a prompt start of projects Polygonmachs 140–160 TPH mobile asphalt plant is painstakingly designed to offer a seamless user experience. Owing to its exceptional mobility it can be moved quickly and easily between locations. Operators can easily monitor and modify the asphalt production process by adjusting mix formulations and parameters to meet project requirements thanks to an intuitive control system. With flexibility ease of use and accuracy as its top priorities this plant can be used in a wide range of project environments The plant is very operator-friendly and its design ensures that even people with little experience can effectively oversee production. Because of the straightforward setup process and user-friendly controls that minimize downtime and boost productivity asphalt production can start almost immediately after arriving at any location.
1000 Tonnás Horizontális Bitumen Tartály

1000 Tonnás Horizontális Bitumen Tartály

A 1000-ton horizontal bitumen tank is a large, specially designed storage vessel process instrumented to hold and manage vast volumes of bitumen, a thick and sticky substance that comes from the refinement of crude oil. These tanks come in a horizontal layout that allows efficient storage, heating, and transfer of the bitumen. Built into sturdy materials—like steel—they are designed for the rigors of handling bitumen, including heating to quite high temperatures to keep the material in a workable state. These tanks are very important to industries that require a reliable and large-scale supply of bitumen. The design and capacity safely contain the bitumen, so it is ready and effective for the purpose of industrial application taken up, be it road construction or waterproofing projects.
MCA 100-120 Tph Folyamatos Típusú Aszfaltgyár - 100-120 Tph Folyamatos Típusú Aszfaltgyár

MCA 100-120 Tph Folyamatos Típusú Aszfaltgyár - 100-120 Tph Folyamatos Típusú Aszfaltgyár

The MCA 100-120 tph Continuous Asphalt Plant is the technology pioneer in asphalt production, offering best-in-class efficiency and performance for medium to high-volume projects. This continuous asphalt plant is durable and fully equipped with advanced characteristics that enable quality continuous asphalt mixture production. It offers a range of production capacities from 100 to 120 tons per hour, which deals with a wide variety of road construction applications. This plant is designed for the production of asphalt for any requirements with the ultimate accuracy and consistency of results. The power-packed MCA 100-120 tph plant, standing out to be the strongest of its kind in construction and ultra-modern technology, is suitable for all projects from highways to luxuriant urban roads and on to industrial zones. It can produce numerous sorts of asphalt mixtures, including those needed for base, binder, and surface courses. 100 tons:120 tons
MCA 140-160 Tph Folyamatos Típusú Aszfaltgyár - 140-160 Tph Folyamatos Típusú Aszfaltgyár

MCA 140-160 Tph Folyamatos Típusú Aszfaltgyár - 140-160 Tph Folyamatos Típusú Aszfaltgyár

The MCA 140-160 tph Continuous Type Asphalt Plant represents the latest technology in asphalt producing plants, especially engineered to provide extra capacity and efficiency for medium-to-high-volume projects. In these advanced plants, high-quality asphalt mixes are produced with uniformity—the challenging requirements expected of road construction. It has a production capacity ranging from 140 to 160 tons per hour, hence making this a versatile and reliable solution for many various applications. The design is user-friendly in the sense that one gets precision, performance, and durability, thus making this an ideal choice for use in different construction needs. The MCA 140-160 tph plant is designed to fit demanding requirements by advanced technology with sturdy construction. Such machines are outstanding in asphalt production, offering quality for all jobs and reliability in functioning. 140 tons:160 tons
MBA 40-60 Tph Mobil Aszfaltgyár - 40-60 Tph Mobil Aszfaltgyár

MBA 40-60 Tph Mobil Aszfaltgyár - 40-60 Tph Mobil Aszfaltgyár

Extremely mobile and performance-driven the Polygonmach 40–60 TPH mobile asphalt plant is built to last. Offering both efficiency and flexibility this plant with a 40–60 tons per hour capacity is perfect for small to medium-sized projects. Due to its small size which makes it simple to transport and set up at different job sites it is the best choice for remote or temporary locations where space and logistics are limited. Because efficiency was the primary design consideration this plant is simple to operate and provides consistent asphalt quality. Operators can easily manage production thanks to the user-friendly control system which maximizes asphalt mix quality and output. A mobile asphalt plant with a capacity of 40–60 TPH can be used for a variety of tasks including both new highway construction and road repairs. 40 tons:60 tons
60 Tonna Függőleges Bitumen Tartály

60 Tonna Függőleges Bitumen Tartály

The 60-ton vertical bitumen tank is a specially designed storage unit for holding and managing bitumen, which is a heavy, viscous, dark liquid extracted from crude oil. They have been constructed in a vertical arrangement, which not only allows economies in space but also has effectively stored, heated, and transferred bitumen. They are steel-made storage tanks covering all needs about storing bitumen, considering holding temperature and assuring flow during industrial processes. This type of tank comes in handy where moderate volumes of bitumen are called for, and space is limited. This design gives out a noteworthy volume of storage without taking up too much floor space, making this the ideal solution for industries where precious little room exists to accommodate horizontal tanks.
Két tengelyes aszfaltkeverők - Két tengelyes aszfaltkeverők

Két tengelyes aszfaltkeverők - Két tengelyes aszfaltkeverők

The Twin Shaft Asphalt Mixer is, out of necessity, one of the main asphalt mixing machines designed for mixing aggregates with binders and additives for producing asphalt mixtures in road construction and infrastructure projects. A twin shaft asphalt mixer has two horizontally aligned shafts fitted with mixing arms, paddles, or blades rotating in opposite directions. This combination ensures that the input material will be well mixed and homogenized to produce high-quality asphalt mixtures consistently and reliably. What makes twin shaft mixers effective is the fact that they can process large volumes of materials without compromising mixing efficiency. They, therefore, hold a special place in industries in which uniform asphalt mix production becomes fast and efficient. Twin shaft mixers provide sturdy asphalt required for enduring infrastructural strains on highways, bridges, and urban roads.
MBA 60-80 Tph Mobil Aszfalt Üzem - 60-80 Tph Mobil Aszfalt Üzem

MBA 60-80 Tph Mobil Aszfalt Üzem - 60-80 Tph Mobil Aszfalt Üzem

Capacity of a Mobile Hot Mix Asphalt Plant Introducing the 60-80 TPH mobile asphalt plant from Polygonmach a state-of-the-art apparatus designed to satisfy the changing demands of contemporary asphalt manufacturing. This plant is a great option for medium-sized projects because it has great mobility high efficiency and outstanding quality output. Its adaptability allows it to be used in a range of construction scenarios and settings providing top performance no matter where it is used. This mobile plant is remarkable in that it can produce asphalt mixes that are dependable and consistent with a capacity range of 60 to 80 tons per hour. The plants cutting-edge technology guarantees that it can manage the demands of various applications while upholding the highest quality standards whether youre working on bigger infrastructure projects or fixing roads. 60 tons:80 tons